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STERISHEALTHCAREPVTLTDADA8 65b0b7e3912bef38d51b547d Medicines
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Orthopedic by Flupirtine (100mg), Thiocolchicoside (4mg)


INR 154 INR 220
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Product details

FLUREPTIN THIO Flupirtine (100mg), Thiocolchicoside (4mg) Introduction FLUREPTIN THIO combines two powerful components: Flupirtine, at a dose of 100mg, and Thiocolchicoside, at 4mg. This combination medicine is engineered to provide effective relief from pain while also offering muscle relaxant properties, making it particularly beneficial for patients suffering from musculoskeletal conditions that involve both pain and muscle spasms. Uses of FLUREPTIN THIO FLUREPTIN THIO is primarily used to manage conditions characterized by pain and muscle tension, including: Musculoskeletal disorders: Such as back pain, neck pain, and other types of muscle-related injuries. Post-traumatic muscle spasms: Useful in alleviating discomfort following an injury. Postoperative conditions: Helps manage pain and muscle spasms after surgery. Mechanism of Action The efficacy of FLUREPTIN THIO arises from the combined action of its two active ingredients: Flupirtine: Acts as a selective neuronal potassium channel opener, which helps in reducing pain by stabilizing neuronal membranes and preventing pain signals from being transmitted excessively. Thiocolchicoside: A muscle relaxant that works by acting on GABAergic systems, it helps reduce muscle stiffness and spasms, providing comfort and aiding in mobility. Benefits of FLUREPTIN THIO Synergistic effect: The combination of pain relief and muscle relaxation helps improve overall efficacy in treating conditions associated with both symptoms. Non-opioid formulation: Reduces the risk of dependence and side effects associated with opioid analgesics. Enhanced functionality: Helps patients regain mobility and return to daily activities sooner by effectively managing pain and muscle spasms. Side Effects While FLUREPTIN THIO is effective, it can cause side effects in some individuals. Common side effects include: Nausea and vomiting Dizziness Headaches Fatigue Allergic reactions Potential liver toxicity with long-term use of flupirtine Patients should undergo regular monitoring, especially for liver function tests, to detect any adverse effects early. Dosage and Administration Standard Dosage: Typically, the recommended dose is one tablet taken two or three times a day, depending on the severity of the symptoms and the doctor’s advice. Duration of Treatment: Due to concerns about the side effects associated with prolonged use, treatment duration should be as short as necessary and constantly re-evaluated by a healthcare provider. It is crucial for patients to adhere to the dosage regimen prescribed by their healthcare provider and not to alter the dose without consultation. Price and Availability FLUREPTIN THIO is available at pharmacies and can also be accessed through online health services. Prices may vary, but it generally remains an affordable option for those needing combined analgesic and muscle relaxant therapy. For further information: EMAIL: / CALL/WHATSAPP: 7877551268, 7849827488

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